Panoramic Aerial View of the Amalfi Coast - Stylish Days Travel Guide

Stylish Days on the Amalfi Coast

The Amalfi Coast is renowned for its stunning landscapes, charming towns, and luxurious lifestyle. In this guide, we’ll take you through three stylish days exploring the best of the Amalfi Coast, including what to see and do in Ravello, Positano, and other beautiful spots. This journey was made even more special with our handmade Italian leather bags, Irina 21 and Amelia S, ensuring style and practicality throughout the trip.

Day 1 - Arriving in Ravello, Italy

Our journey began in Ravello, Italy, a town renowned for its historic villas and gardens. We visited Villa Rufolo and the famous Terrazza dell’Infinito at Villa Cimbrone, enjoying panoramic views of the coastline. Strolling through lush gardens, we soaked in the Mediterranean atmosphere. In the evening, we relished a meal at a local trattoria, savoring authentic Italian cuisine. The Irina 21 and Amelia leather bags were perfect companions, effortlessly combining fashion and functionality throughout the day.
The Amalfi Coast seen from Ravello
View of the Gulf of Sorrento from Villa Rufolo, Ravello, Italy.
Amelia leather bag on the panoramic terrace of Villa Rufolo - Stylish Days on the Amalfi Coast
The timeless charm of the Amelia S bag on Villa Rufolo's panoramic terrace, overlooking the Gulf of Sorrento in Ravello, Italy.

Day 2 - Exploring the charm of Positano, Italy

On our second day, we headed to Positano, Italy, one of the most picturesque towns on the Amalfi Coast. We wandered through narrow streets lined with boutique shops and cafes. We relaxed on the beautiful Spiaggia Grande beach and took a boat trip along the coast. Indulging in fresh seafood at a seaside restaurant, we ended the day by exploring Positano’s vibrant nightlife.

View of Positano from Spiaggia Grande - Exploring Positano, Italy
View of Positano from Spiaggia Grande
Irina 21 leather saddle bag perfect for daytime walks - Stylish Days on the Amalfi Coast
The small and comfortable Irina 21 bag is perfect for daytime walks, carrying only the essentials.

Day 3 - Departure with memories from Amalfi Coast

As the final day of this magical journey on the Amalfi Coast arrives, it’s hard to leave such a wonderful place. The blend of sadness and gratitude marks the end of this short but memorable holiday. The Irina 21 and Amelia leather bags have been perfect companions, offering both style and functionality, whether strolling through Ravello or savoring the beauty of Positano. These bags are more than accessories; they are cherished souvenirs. The memories will linger until the day we can return to the enchanting Amalfi Coast.

View of the sea from above in Amalfi Coast - Stylish Days on the Amalfi Coast


The Amalfi Coast offers a perfect blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and luxurious experiences. If you enjoyed this guide, check out more travel tips and stories on our Journal. And while you’re exploring Italy, don’t miss the chance to visit our shop in Rome. Located at Via dei Coronari 2, our store offers handmade Italian leather bags and accessories, crafted with the same care and quality that define the beauty of the Amalfi Coast. Discover the perfect memento of your Italian adventure in the heart of Rome.

Amalfi Coast: Visiting Ravello with my Irina leather bag